With no particular reason i wanted to start back on my own blog posting, really, no particular reasons. I just wanted to blog. As i now spend more time blogging my companies' blog, now i wanted to have another side of where i can post just about anything, that's what the blog's intended to be right? okok.
Why catcher in the Rye cover as my image on this returning post? Just come to think about it that the whole corporate thing is a phony. "Phony" that's what Holden said, being not mature. They said of him. Everything he don't understand or dislike, he phony they. Not mature thinking? maybe. But i guess he is ok. Adults are mostly phonies to me, since i'm in a whole full of adults now. I started of respected them, you know how they brain wash you when you're little. I always thought of them to be very capable in their own fields. But it's a fantasy.
Yes i agree. Phonies. God Damn Phonies. Maybe not all of them but a 80% full of crap phonies that pretend to know something but actually knowing crap about it.
OMG, i can't help to think about god damn phoners. They infest all the positions in the corporate ladder and make the real ones work their ass off.
If i have a chance, just 1 bloody chance. I will burn all of them.
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