Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Good Person

When you are little, you have dreams. Normally you would. A doctor, Lawyer , Manager. All the position your parents will brain wash you in being. They tell you that being those can earn you money, or can save people's life and be a good person.
Good Person.
Everyone aim for that. but 90% end up being the bad ones. Some doctors, lawyers are there for the money. Who's not? to doctors, everyone dies, everyones' sick. Who the Fu%$ i care? you come see me, you paid me bloody money. No money no talk. So he watched you die if you have not money or medical card enough to pay him. So he can goplay golf during the weekends. Drive a bloody big muthaF%&# BMW, with good plate number like 899, or 1111 or 8888 and he can spend all those money in his Giant house, feed his family and dozens of girlfriends out there somewhere which his wife don't bother cause she has so much money she don't care about love anymore. As long as her bank is loaded with RMs. She don't care. So WTF?? so much for being someone that saves people. WHen you ask them, they said. Hey , i'm working for a living man. SO what? it's ma money dude. i can do what i like.
SO this is what it is? A good person.
All lies, when you are little you tell the truth, when you get older you lied. You lied to mostly everything in your life. I like to bring my mum to church everyday, ( so troublesome, why can't sister bring her), i am a caring father to my children ( i regret to have children).
The older you get, the more lies to tell yourself and others. It doesn't stop.
A good person
Even monks now ask money from you when you are having lunch in a cafe, said to build temple. But he gamble in 4d every wednesday, saturday and sunday with your money.
A good person
Even the prettiest girl in the world will cheat.
A good person
Is there any left?

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