Sunday, April 24, 2011

Transformation 101 > Wake Up!!

2 years Ago, i'm doing very good.
I got a great job in a Big US company, earning quite alot for an average Malaccan, i'm not married, i don't have any car or house loan to commit, and to add on, i have a second job that earns sometimes more than my day job. I think if i can recall i'm earning about 6k a month after tax. To a normal 25 years old guy, that's alot. No commitments, i have the 6k all to myself. i have no insurances at that time coz my company have it covered for me. I drive a car that has already being paid fully.
Imagine what you can do with 6k every month. A lot ya? i bought guitars, effects , beers , alcohol and alot of stuffs that make no sense. Money is a lot. I got no clear plan. I spend like running the tap water.
DO you think i'm happy? (at that time)
I am not, i spend my time working. 9 hours of day job and 3-4 hours second job, 7 days a week , 30 days per month. No holidays. No rest. No relax. No family time. No wank time.
At first everything is good. Money is coming in. My bank account is exploding. I got new guitars and gadgets.
Later, my body reached it's limit. I got sore backs that don't recover. Dizzy heads a night.
My mind reached it's limit. I'm stress all the time, tensions and i can't think clearly.
My relations reached it's limit. I often fight with my Girlfriend, i don't know my family anymore.
My job reached it's limit. I can't spend quality time on a task, i can't spend quality time with a student.
My life reached it's limit. I hate my life, i dont know what is the meaning of it. I spend after job hours in a club drinking beer and liquer.

I don't feel Rich even i have more money.
I don't feel success even i have everything people wants to achieve.
I have everything i need to have in this community, Yet i hate my life.
I Am Confuse at that time.
I Lost The "Cita cita" I have before i done this.
I have forgotten myself and let trend control where i need to go.

Sad story.....
I'm sad, i wanted to quit. I wanted to Die.
Death solves this. Death solves everything.

Do you think I quit that EZ?
The Cybernetic Gorilla Did not Quit.
I'm planning to get out of this circle. I want to be Free.
Lucky enough my company have a reading campaign going on.
The first book i read after 5 years of school , the only time i read.
Who Moved My Cheese? (The cover is the first pix above)
Totally make sense. My view in life begin to widen.
I now see things i didn't see before.
I know now this is not going to Continue. My day job will end, my second will end.
If i don't search for new formulas in life, i will end up like every common guy on the streets.
As my behavior, i will look for more books as this one ignites me.
"there will be more of this"
The second book, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.
I than realize, that i'm selfish all along. All i think about is myself.
I spend 200-300 RM for beer daily and i'm giving my mum 100 a month?
I spend all the time thinking about myself and i don't even care about my girlfriends' feeling?
I don't even know how old is my brothers?
I treat my house like a hotel?
The Third, The alchemist.

Now i know i don't always have to do what other/common people do.
I need to listen to myself, do what matters to me , not the trend.
I need to do things that i believe and take the risk and go into the dark area.
Dark area creates new opportunities.

I am now over that....
I now have a more meaningful life.
I'm happy, I love my Life.
My family & friends love me like i love them.
Every RM matters.
Every job matters.
Even if i earn 2k a month, I'm Rich.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Human Weakness > Body Limits

Human = Most intelligent being in this planet?
We can do anything, go anywhere.
Break speed limits and all those awesome stuff.
But for sure, everything has it's weakness.
Do human have weakness?

Yes We DO!

Imagine you have planned a system to achieve your goal.
In order to get 100000kg Gold you need to dig 400000 kg of rock for exchange.(just an example)
You have everything worked out, all you need to do to achieve 400000kg of rock is to dig.
so? You start digging....
To dig 400000kg of rock you will need 2000hours.
Can you dig straight 2000 hours? without stopping?
(let's just say we cut the techno a side on this)
You will cause you will get to the Gold faster, but CAN you?
Your body has it's limit, you get Tired after 4hours, you need food to fuel your energy.
That's the catch.

To study for an exam of a certain subject all you need to do is read and study the books.
Why need 1 week to study the whole book? Why not 24 hours straight?
Body limits, mind limits.
You get tired.
Tired makes you stop
Tired makes you think negatively on stuff you started off positive
Tired makes you wanna sleep
Tired makes you wanna quit

If there's only a way for me to Prevent this weakness.
I'll be on top of this world looking to the sky and shout

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Listen And You Become

Asian Culture, the rich get richer. The poor Gets more poor.
I read a book that i should have read years ago.
Rich Dad, poor dad. by Robert Kiyosaki

Makes me realized some very critical point in my life.
Last 3 years ago.......
I'm earning more than i should have but i don't feel rich.
I can save more than 60% of my income even i spend them overly. I do the usual.
I work a day job and have a second. Put effort in the second and get a raise on the first.
I sacrifice My time. I sleep less. My family time was cut. I don't have time to do what i enjoy doing which is playing the guitar and recording my music.
Ok, i can be consider rich.
BUT................ I dont feel rich.
I felt the same, i still drive the same car. I still live the same life.
Later on, i get stressed out. I hated my life. I hate to work all the time.
I spend money on beers and hanging out in clubs. I than spend money like running water out the tap.
After a few years. I realize 1 time. I don't feel rich because i don't consider myself rich.
That's all. Even i have money, i still am a poor guy. That's what i am inside. My mindset.
Poor Guy's mind.

To be rich , you first need to think rich. That's all.
Then the action.
Only can you feel rich when you get there.

Why i dont have that mindset?
I'm a chinese guy from a working class family. My parents. I love them very much but still they have poor money education. They struggle with money all their life.
They are poor in mind. I'm from that family, what else that i'm programmed to think?
If i listen to them, i'll end up like them.
To be great you listen to the great.
To be a Great guitarist playing the Lydian scale, you listen to Steve Vai.
It's Simple.
Everything is simple now.
I just need to listen to rich people.
And most importantly. I use my brain.
I think, i make differences, i now dont just follow.
I make decisions. Everyday. Either to be rich or poor with every Ringgit i have.
I dont wanna do the " Study hard and get a job"
I wanna " study smart and get money working for you"

Traditional Way don't applied in this time. The ways are already more than 200 years old.
Internet is here, everything change. So as the way people should live their life.
The way they think about money.
Money = currency.
Currency = you don't own all the ringgit you have.
It's always own by someone to someone

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Balance > Of Life > In this Time

simple 7 alphabet word that means everysides are of equal value.
It's easy to understand yet so hard to do.
I'm a musician trap in a corporate rat race life. Why i was in the company in the first place?
Another trap from the world. Money keeps you IN the rat race.
Money let you think of security.
Everyone seeks security, the world trap people by letting them seek security.
Weak point.
Because balance is hard to obtain and being kept, people lessen the sides of balance.
Basic life balance pattern.

Work Vs Life

8 hours vs 16 hours(9 hours assumed that sleeping cost you 7 hours)

High life balance pattern.

Morning work vs Second job vs family life vs social life vs own life

8 hours vs 3 hours vs 3 hours vs 2 hours vs 1 hour vs 7hours(sleep)

The more you break it, the complex it's going to be.

Notice that after the breaking, all effort are mainly focus on making money.
Later social life can be cut and put to second job, and later own life's 1 hour. Then we will use the 7 hours of sleep.
Who is selfish one in this picture?
Work time never gets cut.

Why everyone is afraid of cutting work's time.
That is like the main object's that slowing you down, making you can't do any other things.
Because of Security?
Cutting Work time is A big Challenge.

I like BIG challenges.
Do you?

I'm in a real world.
I hate gray answers.
I hate Gray areas.
I hate Phonies

Sunday, April 3, 2011

FATE > Your own Destiny?

DO you believe in Fate? Not faith. FATE.
Means everything is written, your life IS Written.
Everything you do is pre-done. You just walk the life that is designed for you.
I thought about this when i was 16, come to a point i ask myself. So what i really want to do with my life, i can't do it if it's not written in my FATE? No wonder lots of teenager commit suicide after asking themselves this question. For me that time, i once thought of suicide but i got another side of me that seems to have another point of view. That side of me is furious, I'm 120% angry at this so called FATE. Fated to be, or what ever stuffs they say.
Lucky i got a book from a temple, Liao Fan's 4 lessons to change and decide your own destiny.
I started reading it and glad that there are people that concern about this FATE thing and try to analyse it and come up with solutions.
The whole idea behind the book is that everyone determine his or hers fate/destiny. It seems that human normally blame everything that they can't achieve because of first try or lack of effort given to FATE. Human created this FATE to answer all that they don't understand or lazy to know. It's easy and comfortable to blame it on fate and blind ourselves.
After reading i made a lot of thinking.

Ok, if FATE is something/rule. Meaning it can always be break. So i set my life differently that day, i do and think only what i think i true and make senses to my brain. I don't go for life counting, meaning reading your future or stuffs that is similar. I make my own life, i walk it i plan it like a man from the future.
FATE , i look at the sky and tell him in my thoughts. " What you design i will break to what i want personally" "Try Me!"